I have a confession to make. I get hung up with self-induced pressure of perfection. I have a vision of what things can become. As a result, I can easily get stuck in the muddy mire of perfect. I make things harder than they need to be. My wife reminds me of how I make things an “event” that don’t need to be. For as many cool things I create and author, there are twice as many projects that I get stuck on. I get hung up adhering to imagined rules that I’ve made impossibly more difficult than things need to be.
Click to Listen The Pressure of Perfection | Episode #71
Off Script: The GoPro Mountain Games in Vail, CO

Last month we did a father-daughter trip up to Vail, CO to attend the GoPro Mountain Games. Each year they hold an X-Games like four-day event, competition, adventure extravaganza. Here is a quick video I shot from the weekend.
It was really a great time. We did everything from take instructional classes on how to get the most out of your GoPro to watching slack liners walk across the river high above kayakers bobbling below. Here is a video from the climbing championship. The female winner climbs at our local gym in Colorado Springs.
Here is the official About from their website
The country’s largest celebration of adventure sports, music, and the mountain lifestyle returns once again when The GoPro Mountain Games returns to Vail, June 9-12, 2016.
Professional and amateur outdoor adventure athletes from the Vail Valley and around the world will converge upon the mountains and rivers of Vail to compete in nine sports and 25 disciplines including: x-country and road cycling, freestyle, 8-Ball, sprint and extreme kayaking, raft cross, World Cup Bouldering, stand up paddle sprint and surf cross, as well as trail, mud and road running, dog comps and the Ultimate Mountain Challenge.
In addition to the athletic events, the GoPro Mountain Games will include a mountain photography competition, adventure film school, film festival, an interactive exhibition and demo area, live music, and mountain lifestyle parties.
The Mountain Games are a project of the Vail Valley Foundation.