Rediscover your path to a well-lived life
What to expect?
Experiential two and a half days with fifty people redesigning your life, getting unstuck, and rediscovering your path to living a meaningful life.
How will it work?
We’re going to play and dream and get real. Aaron and Leith will lead the workshop discussions along with surprise guests. Plan on moving around and getting outside to experience big ideas.
Tell me more
A big part of the Reboot experience is the spirit of wonder and mystery. We keep most of the workshop a surprise. We incorporate surprise adventure excursions Friday and Saturday. We wish we could show you photos and tell you exactly what to expect, but we’d be diluting the magic of your Reboot experience.
How do I get prepared?
- Listen to Aaron and Leith’s podcast on their Reboot.
- Subscribe to Work Life Play podcast.
- Start with 7 practical steps to Restoring Balance.

Unplug Your Life
For some mysterious reason, everything works better when you unplug it. Our lives, our careers, our relationships and our health can become more fruitful when we stop and unplug.

Commence Reboot
We’re going to dig deep together. Starting with plotting the course your life is on today. Understanding where things started to get off course. Addressing limiting beliefs that are restricting your future.

Get Unstuck
Wherever you are on your journey, it is easy to get stuck in life ruts. Discover why you’re stuck and how to get your mojo back. Create a new life map aligned with your values and beliefs.

Remember when you were ten years old? We played with our friends and laughed out loud. Reboot is your permission slip to give yourself a break, be curious and adventurous again.

We Rebooted Our Lives
In 2015, we sold everything we owned, pushed pause on our life and started over. Not everyone needs to jettison their life like we did. But everyone can benefit from the lessons we’ve learned from taking the road less traveled. Read our full story here. And listen to Leith’s interview with Rob Bell.
As your guides, we will take you on a journey to help you architect a sustainable life you want to live forward. Reboot is not a marriage conference.
Reboot is revolutionary and experiential and brilliantly crafted to help you rediscover what’s most important to you and stop what’s not working.
Get notified about the next Reboot Workshop
The next workshop will take place on October 15-18, 2020.
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